MAY 9TH, 2023



  • i am not taking commissions

  • i only accept payment in USD through paypal

  • i will not sell to people under 18

  • purchased art and designs can be reposted with credit


  • purchased designs are sold with personal and commercial rights

  • i can still use my original art for promotional purposes (ie. art and design examples)

  • designs can be resold for any amount you deem suitable

  • any redesigns are fine

  • ask before editing my art (cropping and resizing does not need permission)

while this page is provided for quick reference and summary, please see my full TOS for additional notes and context to these points.
if you have a question that is not answered anywhere here, feel free to contact me!


  • i am not currently taking commissions.

  • unless otherwise specified, i accept payment in USD paid through PayPal.

  • when paying with PayPal, please be sure to include your Toyhouse or DeviantArt username in the payment notes.

  • do not use any of my work commercially without first contacting me and receiving my explicit permission.

  • commissioned or gifted art may be freely reposted solely on Toyhouse, given proper credit. preferably, you may link back to my personal site (The Wyrm Tunnel) or Toyhouse (@cheet).

  • please only provide relevant information regarding your commission - the more specific the better. clearly specifying what you do or do not want in your commission will make it easier on both my part and yours. please avoid vague descriptions that essentially tell me to "do whatever." i will not accept them.

  • [ADDED 12/5/21]: my art and designs may not be used in any kind of blockchain-related technology, including (but not limited to) NFTs, cryptocurrencies, or any future inventions of the same or similar nature.


Buying Designs

  • unless otherwise specified, i only accept payment in USD paid through PayPal.

  • when paying with PayPal, please be sure to include your Toyhouse or DeviantArt username in the payment notes.

  • [ADDED 5/9/23]: i will not sell designs to users under 18 years old, even if they are safe-for-work. this is both for my comfort and to avoid risk to my paypal account. however, users over 18 may purchase designs on the behalf of those who cannot.

  • [ADDED 3/10/21]: by default, both personal and commercial rights are sold alongside a given design. purchased designs may be used personally/commercially as long as i am credited for the original. this includes (but is not limited to): using the design as a mascot, selling merch, graphic designs, assets in projects that earn money (ex. stream overlays, youtube videos), etc.

  • [ADDED 3/10/21]: if a design is designed as part of an open or closed species, you may not claim the species as your own. you must also follow the rules or terms of service of the species in question regarding usage of that design.

  • [ADDED 12/5/21]: my art and designs may not be used in any kind of blockchain-related technology, including (but not limited to) NFTs, cryptocurrencies, or any future inventions of the same or similar nature.

  • i retain the right to use the original art of an adoptable design i have created to promote or provide an example of my own work. i will never claim ownership of a character i have sold to someone else.

  • [EDITED 5/9/23]: purchased designs and their associated art may be freely reposted anywhere, given proper credit. preferably, you may link back to my personal site (The Wyrm Tunnel) or Toyhouse (@cheet).

  • after purchase of a design, i will provide the unwatermarked version of the original art. i may do this either through DeviantArt notes or Toyhouse character transfer, depending on the site the design was purchased on or provided preference.

  • on the occasion i accept art in exchange for adoptables, the offered art must be completed within two weeks of confirmation. extensions are available by request. i am very lenient with art-related deadlines, but if you do not contact me by then i will assume you are unavailable and put the relevant adoptable(s) back up for offers.

  • [EDITED 3/10/21]: as of March 10th, 2021, the following rule is no longer in effect. this text is kept for posterity's sake, but keep in mind that it no longer applies to purchased designs.

[ADDED 9/9/20]: in the case of designs sold through toyhouse, those character pages must remain on-site. pages may be hidden at owner's discretion, but the profile page must stay intact. if you would like to remove them from the site (for reasons such as moving to a new one, trading to a user offsite, etc.), please contact me. i may be able to provide offsite users with a toyhouse access code if desired. this rule does not apply to character pages removed for the sake of merging them with another.

Reselling and Trading

  • [EDITED 5/9/23]: designs with additional art - whether commissioned or personal - may be sold for more than the cost of the original design. while i prefer that designs without extra art be sold for the original price, i won't stop you from selling for more.

  • claiming adoptables for others is acceptable, but please clarify who the design will be going to.

Redesigning and Editing

  • [EDITED 5/9/23]: adopted designs may be altered to the owner's preference, regardless of original design.

  • one-off designs may not be expanded into publicly-available species without my explicit permission. naming and/or developing them for the sake of personal worldbuilding is allowed.

  • do not edit my art without my explicit permission, even if you have purchased it. cropping and/or resizing are allowed.


I am most comfortable drawing:

  • monsters

  • simple designs

  • anthros

  • most pokemon

  • dragons

  • some ferals

  • humanoids

  • mlp-style ponies

  • object ocs

I will try to draw:

  • moderately-complex designs

  • feral birds, canines, or non-mlp-styled equines

  • sonic fancharacters

  • rock- or crystal-like surfaces; think pokemon like regirock or regice

I will not draw:

  • extremely complex designs

  • NSFW or fetish art

  • pairings or couple art

  • any kind of hate art (racism, transphobia, antisemitism, etc.). i will immediately block you if you request this.